Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Supreme Court: Proposition 8

This week the Supreme Court is considering the legality of California's Proposition 8.  I feel this is a very important week in the history of the United States. 

Throughout time, various nations have ruled over each other, only to fall for one reason or another.  Perhaps an explanation to these falls can be found in the Book of Mormon.  Over and over again the Nephites and the Lamanites were at war with each other.  Sometime the Nephites (usually the people of God) would triumph over the Lamanites.  But at certain times they would forget the Lord their God and the Lamanites would win battle after battle, eventually overthrowing the entire people of the Nephites.  This overthrow (though prophesied) was a consequence of the wickedness of the Nephite NATION!

Despite the various battles the US is involved in, the real battle of the human race is that against Satan.  He has been fighting God since before the dawn of what we consider time.  He has had a great deal of practice, and he isn't letting up.  It seems one of his favorite temptations is sexual immorality.  The specific example for this blog is same-gender attraction.  Though temptation and sin are different, one usually leads to the other. Now Satan would have the United States, as a NATION, sanction not only the temptation, but the SIN as well.

Supporting this sin, especially as a nation, will bring upon us the judgements of God, as stated in The Family: A Proclamation to the World "Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets."

Over the past few days, I have been surprised at how many people feel that they can "divide their loyalties" as I would call it and feel they can support gay marriage on one hand, yet remain faithful and active members of the church on the other. They use arguments that "I can't tell them how to live their lives" or "I shouldn't judge others" or "Let them be happy in their own way," seemingly unaware that it is not only their right but their responsibility to stand for the things they believe to be right--or the rights they have/need/desire will be taken away by those who are ever so willing to do so.

One friend asked me why it was so bad to "let them be happy?"  My answer is that allowing them to do this is not going to help them be happy for "wickedness never was happiness" (Alma 41:10).  God has declared marriage to be between man and woman (or at times man and women).  He has told us that the family is central to God's eternal Plan (Family Proclamation).  The best chance of happiness is for people to follow the commandments of God.

Though I don't think the decision of the Supreme Court will cause an immediate change in the blessings or judgements of God we receive as a NATION, I do believe it will have a significant influence in them in the near future.

I pray the Justices have the courage to make the right decision.